Guiding Principles
Educating Illinois & Other University Plans
The new Master Plan should advance and promote the mission, vision, values, and goals articulated in Educating Illinois, which is the University's strategic plan. Educating Illinois is the foundation upon which other planning occurs.
The new Master Plan should be consistent with other plans as well, such as the Academic Plan, the Long Range Housing and Dining Facilities Plan, the Energy Management and Utility Infrastructure Improvement Plan, and the Gregory Street Property Land Use Plan.
The new Master Plan should consider current and future physical infrastructure needs associated with all areas of the University, including instruction and instructional support; research, public service and Institutional support (e.g., parking and transportation, technologies, utilities); Intercollegiate Athletic; recreation; and student accommodations (e.g., housing, dining).
The plan should seek to maximize the effective and efficient use of all campus assets (e.g., Gregory Street property) and ensure appropriate, high-performance facilities for achieving the University's mission.
The new Master Plan should leverage partnerships where appropriate in the financing and usage of Illinois State’s physical environment. Such partnerships should include relationships between the University and entities external to the institution, as well as collaboration among internal university entities.
The University is an asset to the local community. As such the new Master Plan should ensure the campus is accessible, welcoming, safe, and inviting to the local community, as well as to students, faculty, staff, alumni, annuitants, and visitors.
The new Master Plan should promote sustainability initiatives to enhance the quality of life and to meet economic, social, and environmental needs, without compromising resources for future generations.
Build Upon Recent Successes
The new Master Plan should recognize and build upon the University’s recent accomplishments to enhance the campus' physical infrastructure. The plan should also acknowledge the significant physical enhancements surrounding the campus with the development of Uptown Normal, and the comprehensive planning for upgrading the Main Street Corridor.
The new Master Plan should focus on the future needs of the University and identify the priorities for physical infrastructure improvements. The plan should anticipate periodic assessments and adjustments, as well as an update in 10 years.
Analysis / Data-Informed
The development of the University’s next campus Master Plan should utilize a methodology that balances qualitative and quantitative approaches to assess the University's physical needs.
Extensive Consultation
The new Master Plan should be informed by extensive consultation with faculty, staff, and students from throughout the University and with the Board of Trustees, alumni, and annuitants. Consultation should extend to the broader university community, including representatives from the Town of Normal and City of Bloomington.